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Meditation Tape 4 - Shamanic

00:00 / 52:10

Meditation 4 Focus Target Note: G3

Meditation 4 is what 3 was supposed to be. It‘s an exploration of a binaural beat in the theta range used for shamanic meditation, followed by a stacking of binaural beats that harmonically support the target focus note. 

The music is designed to first set a calming yet surreal mindset, and then continuously guide your perception to the focus note. The music also plays the role of keeping you from falling asleep. However, the binaural beat is in the theta range, the range you’re in during the early stages of falling asleep. But the aim here is to hold your focus on the target note and calm your mind, without falling asleep, so that you start to notice the thoughts you do not intend to have. Your intention is to perceive G3.

As the piece continues, a series of binaural beats stack on top of each other eventually forming a G Major 7th chord. This is the experimental part, because each beat generates its own entrainment note, which may lead to a more complex brainwave state. The reasoning here, is that a major 7th chord has always given me chills…so there must be something going on there. In addition, as the binaural chord stacks, the frequency following targets entrain for more focus and clarity, and the entire chord sits on top of that G3 as it’s root.  This particular binaural beat, is taken directly from  an old meditation app (labeled shamanic) and it was the first binaural beat where I noticed the frequency following response phenomenon. It’s also the first beat where I achieved what has been described as gnosis, or entered the “astral plane” through meditation, and had only the tiniest sliver of an OBE. Or maybe it was a dream. So, the research continues…back to meditation. Shamanic meditation is the target mental state. 

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