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Meditation Tape 2 - Out of Body

00:00 / 27:03

Meditation 2 Target Focus Note: E3


Meditation Tape 2 has a target focus note of E3 for primarily musical reasons. Much modern music is performed on or written on the guitar. The guitar is easily the most popular instrument for a singer, or a song along. Many people have guitars or experience their effects indirectly, and the lowest note on the guitar in standard tuning is E. So the target is meant to be a familiar deep tone.

The binaural beat frequency for Meditation Tape 2 is based around a particular frequency discovered to be effective at inducing and maintain out of body experiences, by Tom Campbell, Robert Monroe, and Dennis Mennerich during their work at the Monroe Institute in the early 1970s. This frequency is 3.78 hz.

The music guides you to E, eventually sending you off to focus on the binaural beat alone, but at that very moment an experiment begins…the 5th of each tone is introduced, producing a second binaural beat at 5.95 hz, but quieter to maintain focus on the initial beat. Why 5ths? Long ago in the time of Gregorian chanting monks, only certain harmonies were considered permissible, only certain harmonies holy enough. The 5th was holiest of them all.

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